Скрипт писался давно, в основном, для самообучения, поэтому многие моменты очень просто написаны.
Скрипт умеет строить:
- колебательную функцию f(x) = A*sin(X*T+W)
- считать интегралы численным методом (требуется перепроверка)
- строит производные (первую, вторую и третью)
- умеет производить интерполяцию по формуле Тейлора
rollout FuncCreator "FuncCreator" width:400
local BIG_NUMBER = 10000000,
group "Parameters"
label func "f(x) = A*sin(X*T+W)" align:#center
label lbl0 "-------------------------------------" align:#center
spinner startX "StartX: " width:120 range:[-BIG_NUMBER,BIG_NUMBER,0.0] type:#float align:#right across:3
spinner endX "EndX:" width:120 range:[-BIG_NUMBER,BIG_NUMBER,2.0*pi] type:#float align:#right
spinner deltaX "dX(step): " width:120 range:[0.01,BIG_NUMBER,0.1] type:#float align:#right
label lbl1 "-------------------------------------" align:#center
spinner amplit "A:" width:120 range:[-BIG_NUMBER,BIG_NUMBER,1.0] type:#float align:#right across:3
spinner period "T:" width:120 range:[0.01,BIG_NUMBER,1.0] type:#float align:#right
spinner fasa "W:" width:120 range:[-BIG_NUMBER,BIG_NUMBER,0.0] type:#float align:#right
label lbl2 "-------------------------------------" align:#center
spinner gspace "GridSpacing:" width:120 range:[0.1,BIG_NUMBER,1.0] type:#float align:#center across:3
button theRes "Reset" width:100 align:#center
button delAll "deleteAll" width:100 align:#center
label knotCount "knotCount: " align:#left
label PTS "Processing took -- seconds" align:#left
group "Integrals"
label rungekuta "MonteKarlo calculation: " align:#left
label simpson "Simpson calculation: " align:#left
label integralPro "intTrapec calculation: " align:#left
group "Proisvodnaya"
checkbutton pr01 "Pro 1" checked:false width:100 align:#center enabled:false across:3
checkbutton pr02 "Pro 2" checked:false width:100 align:#center enabled:false
checkbutton pr03 "Pro 3" checked:false width:100 align:#center enabled:false
group "Teylor"
label funcTeylor "g(x) = f(a) + fpro1(a)*(x-a) + fpro2(a)*(x-a)^2/2factorial + fpro3(a)*(x-a)^3/3factorial" align:#center
label lbl3 "-------------------------------------" align:#center
spinner theA "a:" width:120 range:[-BIG_NUMBER,BIG_NUMBER,0.0] type:#float align:#left
group "Interpolation"
label lbl4a "cub interpolation" align:#center across:3
label lbl6 "parab interpolation" align:#center
label lbl6a " " align:#center
spinner theSP1 "startPointCI:" width:100 range:[-BIG_NUMBER,BIG_NUMBER,0.0] type:#float align:#left across:3
spinner theSP2 "startPointPI:" width:100 range:[-BIG_NUMBER,BIG_NUMBER,0.0] type:#float align:#left
spinner theStepSP "dx/step:" width:100 range:[1.0, 5.0,1.0] type:#float align:#left
label lbl7a "-------------------------------------" align:#center
label lbl7 "Mult interpolation" align:#center across:3
spinner theSP3 "startPointMI:" width:100 range:[-BIG_NUMBER,BIG_NUMBER,0.0] type:#float align:#left
spinner numI "numSLAU:" width:100 range:[2, 200, 4] type:#integer align:#left
fn theFunc theX = return (amplit.value*sin (RadToDeg(theX*period.value+fasa.value)))
fn slauGauss theSystem =
local a11 = theSystem[1][1], a12 = theSystem[1][2], a13 = theSystem[1][3], a14 = theSystem[1][4], b1 = theSystem[1][5],
a21 = theSystem[2][1], a22 = theSystem[2][2], a23 = theSystem[2][3], a24 = theSystem[2][4], b2 = theSystem[2][5],
a31 = theSystem[3][1], a32 = theSystem[3][2], a33 = theSystem[3][3], a34 = theSystem[3][4], b3 = theSystem[3][5],
a41 = theSystem[4][1], a42 =theSystem[4][2], a43 =theSystem[4][3], a44 = theSystem[4][4], b4 = theSystem[4][5]
local aa12 = a12/a11, aa13 = a13/a11, aa14 = a14/a11, bb1 = b1/a11
-- x1 = -aa12*x2 - aa13*x3 - aa14*x4 + bb1
local aa22 = a22 - a21*aa12, aa23 = a23 - a21*aa13, aa24 = a24 - a21*aa14, bb2 = b2 - a21*bb1,
aa32 = a32 - a31*aa12, aa33 = a33 - a31*aa13, aa34 = a34 - a31*aa14, bb3 = b3 - a31*bb1,
aa42 = a42 - a41*aa12, aa43 = a43 - a41*aa13, aa44 = a44 - a41*aa14, bb4 = b4 - a41*bb1
local aaa23 = aa23/aa22, aaa24 = aa24/aa22, bbb2 = bb2/aa22
-- x2 = -aaa23*x3 - aaa24*x4 + bbb2
local aaa33 = aa33 - aa32*aaa23, aaa34 = aa34 - aa32*aaa24, bbb3 = bb3 - aa32*bbb2,
aaa43 = aa43 - aa42*aaa23, aaa44 = aa44 - aa42*aaa24, bbb4 = bb4 - aa42*bbb2
local aaaa34 = aaa34/aaa33, bbbb3 = bbb3/aaa33
-- x3 = -aaaa34*x4 + bbbb3
local aaaa44 = aaa44 - aaa43*aaaa34, bbbb4 = bbb4 - aaa43*bbbb3
local x4 = bbbb4/aaaa44,
x3 = -aaaa34*x4 + bbbb3,
x2 = -aaa23*x3 - aaa24*x4 + bbb2,
x1 = -aa12*x2 - aa13*x3 - aa14*x4 + bb1
local theOut = #()
append theOut x1
append theOut x2
append theOut x3
append theOut x4
fn addGaussGetX A B x4 =
local n = A.count,
arX = #()
for i = 1 to n+1 do append arX x4
for i = n to 1 by -1 do
local sum=0.0
for j = i to n do sum += arX[j+1] * A[i][j+1-i]
arX[i] = B[i] - sum
return arX
fn slauGaussU A B num =
local n = A.count
if n == num do global addGaussA = #(), addGaussB = #()
if n == 1 then
local theXn = B[1]/A[1][1],
otvet = addGaussGetX addGaussA addGaussB theXn
return otvet
local arrayA = #(),
arrayB = #(),
arrayA1 = #()
local b1 = B[1]/A[1][1]
append addGaussB b1
for i = 2 to n do append arrayB (B[i] - A[i][1]*b1)
for i = 2 to n do append arrayA1 (A[1][i]/A[1][1])
append addGaussA (deepcopy arrayA1)
for i = 2 to n do
local arrayA2 = #()
for j = 2 to n do append arrayA2 (A[i][j] - A[i][1]*arrayA1[j-1])
append arrayA (deepcopy arrayA2)
slauGaussU arrayA arrayB num
fn multMatNumber theM theNum =
local theNewMatrix = #()
local numStolb = theM[1].count
local numLines = theM.count
for i = 1 to numLines do (append theNewMatrix #())
for i = 1 to numLines do
for j = 1 to numStolb do theNewMatrix[i][j] = theNum*theM[i][j]
return (theNewMatrix)
fn multLine A B =
local sumRes = 0, num = A.count
for i = 1 to num do sumRes += A[i]*B[i]
return (sumRes)
fn getMatrixStolb theMatrix num =
local numS = theMatrix[1].count,
numL = theMatrix.count,
theNewStolb = #()
for i = 1 to numL do
for j = 1 to numS do
if j == num do append theNewStolb theMatrix[i][j]
return (theNewStolb)
fn multMatrix A B =
local theNewMatrix = #()
local numStolb = B[1].count
local numLines = B.count
if A[1].count == B.count then
for i = 1 to numLines do (append theNewMatrix #())
for i = 1 to numLines do
for j = 1 to numStolb do
theNewMatrix[i][j] = multLine A[i] (getMatrixStolb B j)
return (theNewMatrix)
) else return (undefined)
--*****************************end matrix*******************************************
fn parabInterpol theColor =
local splinePar = SplineShape name: (uniquename "funcParab")
addNewSpline splinePar
local x1 = theSP2.value,
x2 = theSP2.value+deltaX.value,
x3 = theSP2.value+2.0*deltaX.value
local y1 = theFunc x1,
y2 = theFunc x2,
y3 = theFunc x3
local sp1 = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.02 pos: [x1,0.0, y1],
sp2 = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.02 pos: [x2,0.0, y2],
sp3 = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.02 pos: [x3,0.0, y3]
if startX.value > endX.value do
for x = startX.value to endX.value by -deltaX.value/theStepSP.value do
addKnot splinePar 1 #corner #line [x,0.0, y1 + (x-x1)*(y2-y1)/deltaX.value + (x-x1)*(x-x2)*(y1-2.0*y2+y3)/(2.0*(deltaX.value^2))]
if startX.value < endX.value do
for x = startX.value to endX.value by deltaX.value/theStepSP.value do
addKnot splinePar 1 #corner #line [x,0.0, y1 + (x-x1)*(y2-y1)/deltaX.value + (x-x1)*(x-x2)*(y1-2.0*y2+y3)/(2.0*(deltaX.value^2))]
splinePar.wirecolor = theColor
updateShape splinePar
fn opred2 A =
local a1 = A[1][1] as float, b1 = A[1][2] as float,
a2 = A[2][1] as float, b2 = A[2][2] as float
local opr = a1*b2 - a2*b1
return (opr)
fn opred3 A =
local a1 = A[1][1] as float, b1 = A[1][2] as float, c1 = A[1][3] as float,
a2 = A[2][1] as float, b2 = A[2][2] as float, c2 = A[2][3] as float,
a3 = A[3][1] as float, b3 = A[3][2] as float, c3 = A[3][3] as float
local opr1 = opredel2 #(b2, c2) #(b3, c3),
opr2 = opredel2 #(a2, c2) #(a3, c3),
opr3 = opredel2 #(a2, b2) #(a3, b3)
local opr = a1*opr1 - b1*opr2 + c1*opr3
return (opr)
fn opred4 A =
local a1 = A[1][1] as float, b1 = A[1][2] as float, c1 = A[1][3] as float, d1 = A[1][4] as float,
a2 = A[2][1] as float, b2 = A[2][2] as float, c2 = A[2][3] as float, d2 = A[2][4] as float,
a3 = A[3][1] as float, b3 = A[3][2] as float, c3 = A[3][3] as float, d3 = A[3][4] as float,
a4 = A[4][1] as float, b4 = A[4][2] as float, c4 = A[4][3] as float, d4 = A[4][4] as float
local opr1 = opredel3 #(b2, c2, d2) #(b3, c3, d3) #(b4, c4, d4),
opr2 = opredel3 #(a2, c2, d2) #(a3, c3, d3) #(a4, c4, d4),
opr3 = opredel3 #(a2, b2, d2) #(a3, b3, d3) #(a4, b4, d4),
opr4 = opredel3 #(a2, b2, c2) #(a3, b3, c3) #(a4, b4, c4)
local opr = a1*opr1 - b1*opr2 + c1*opr3 - d1*opr4
return (opr)
fn kubInterpol theColor =
local splineInterpol = SplineShape name: (uniquename "funcInterpol")
addNewSpline splineInterpol
local x1 = theSP1.value ,
x2 = theSP1.value+deltaX.value,
x3 = theSP1.value+2.0*deltaX.value,
x4 = theSP1.value+3.0*deltaX.value
local y1 = theFunc x1,
y2 = theFunc x2,
y3 = theFunc x3,
y4 = theFunc x4
local oprM = opred4 #(#(x1^3, x1^2, x1, 1), #(x2^3, x2^2, x2, 1), #(x3^3, x3^2, x3, 1), #(x4^3, x4^2, x4, 1)),
oprA = opred4 #(#(y1, x1^2, x1, 1), #(y2, x2^2, x2, 1), #(y3, x3^2, x3, 1), #(y4, x4^2, x4, 1)),
oprB = opred4 #(#(x1^3, y1, x1, 1), #(x2^3, y2, x2, 1), #(x3^3, y3, x3, 1), #(x4^3, y4, x4, 1)),
oprC = opred4 #(#(x1^3, x1^2, y1, 1), #(x2^3, x2^2, y2, 1), #(x3^3, x3^2, y3, 1), #(x4^3, x4^2, y4, 1)),
oprD = opred4 #(#(x1^3, x1^2, x1, y1), #(x2^3, x2^2, x2, y2), #(x3^3, x3^2, x3, y3), #(x4^3, x4^2, x4, y4))
local theA = oprA/oprM,
theB = oprB/oprM,
theC = oprC/oprM,
theD = oprD/oprM
local sp1 = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.02 pos: [x1,0.0, y1],
sp2 = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.02 pos: [x2,0.0, y2],
sp3 = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.02 pos: [x3,0.0, y3],
sp4 = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.02 pos: [x4,0.0, y4]
if startX.value > endX.value do
for x = startX.value to endX.value by -deltaX.value/theStepSP.value do
addKnot splineInterpol 1 #corner #line [x,0.0, theA*(x^3) + theB*(x^2) + theC*x + theD]
if startX.value < endX.value do
for x = startX.value to endX.value by deltaX.value/theStepSP.value do
addKnot splineInterpol 1 #corner #line [x,0.0, theA*(x^3) + theB*(x^2) + theC*x + theD]
splineInterpol.wirecolor = theColor
updateShape splineInterpol
fn kubInterpolG theColor =
local splineInterpol = SplineShape name: (uniquename "funcInterpol")
addNewSpline splineInterpol
local x1 = theSP1.value ,
x2 = theSP1.value+deltaX.value,
x3 = theSP1.value+2.0*deltaX.value,
x4 = theSP1.value+3.0*deltaX.value
local y1 = theFunc x1,
y2 = theFunc x2,
y3 = theFunc x3,
y4 = theFunc x4
local InSlau = #(#(x1^3, x1^2, x1, 1, y1), #(x2^3, x2^2, x2, 1, y2), #(x3^3, x3^2, x3, 1, y3), #(x4^3, x4^2, x4, 1, y4))
local OutSlau = slauGauss InSlau
local sp1 = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.02 pos: [x1,0.0, y1],
sp2 = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.02 pos: [x2,0.0, y2],
sp3 = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.02 pos: [x3,0.0, y3],
sp4 = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.02 pos: [x4,0.0, y4]
if startX.value > endX.value do
for x = startX.value to endX.value by -deltaX.value/theStepSP.value do
local tests = 0.0
for i =1 to 4 do tests += OutSlau[i]*(x^(4-i))
addKnot splineInterpol 1 #corner #line [x,0.0, tests]
if startX.value < endX.value do
for x = startX.value to endX.value by deltaX.value/theStepSP.value do
local tests = 0.0
for i =1 to 4 do tests += OutSlau[i]*(x^(4-i))
addKnot splineInterpol 1 #corner #line [x,0.0, tests]
splineInterpol.wirecolor = theColor
updateShape splineInterpol
fn kubInterpolGU numInterpol theColor =
local splineInterpol = SplineShape name: (uniquename "funcInterpol")
addNewSpline splineInterpol
local InSlauA = #()
local arrayX = #(),
arrayY = #()
for i = 1 to numInterpol do append arrayX (theSP3.value+(i-1)*deltaX.value)
for i = 1 to numInterpol do append arrayY (theFunc arrayX[i])
for i = 1 to numInterpol do
local addLineA = #()
for j = numInterpol-1 to 0 by -1 do append addLineA (arrayX[i]^j)
append InSlauA (deepcopy addLineA)
local OutSlau = slauGaussU InSlauA arrayY numInterpol
for i = 1 to numInterpol do local sp1 = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.02 pos: [arrayX[i],0.0, arrayY[i]]
if startX.value > endX.value do
for x = startX.value to endX.value by -deltaX.value/theStepSP.value do
local tests = 0.0
for i =1 to numInterpol do tests += OutSlau[i]*(x^(numInterpol-i))
addKnot splineInterpol 1 #corner #line [x,0.0, tests]
if startX.value < endX.value do
for x = startX.value to endX.value by deltaX.value/theStepSP.value do
local tests = 0.0
for i =1 to numInterpol do tests += OutSlau[i]*(x^(numInterpol-i))
addKnot splineInterpol 1 #corner #line [x,0.0, tests]
splineInterpol.wirecolor = theColor
updateShape splineInterpol
fn findPro theSp theColor =
local theNumKnots = numKnots theSp 1
local splineProOne = SplineShape name: (uniquename "funcPro")
addNewSpline splineProOne
for i = 1 to (theNumKnots - 1) do
local Y1 = (getKnotPoint theSp 1 i).z,
Y2 = (getKnotPoint theSp 1 (i+1)).z,
dY = Y2 - Y1,
X1 = (getKnotPoint theSp 1 i).x,
X2 = (getKnotPoint theSp 1 (i+1)).x,
dX = X2-X1
addKnot splineProOne 1 #corner #line [X1,0.0, dY/dX]
splineProOne.wirecolor = theColor
updateShape splineProOne
fn findTeylor theColor =
local splineTeylor = SplineShape name: (uniquename "funcTeylor")
addNewSpline splineTeylor
local fa1 = theFunc theA.value,
fa2 = theFunc (theA.value+deltaX.value),
fa3 = theFunc (theA.value+2.0*deltaX.value),
fa4 = theFunc (theA.value+3.0*deltaX.value)
local d1 = (fa2 - fa1)/deltaX.value,
dd1 = (fa3 - 2.0*fa2 + fa1)/(deltaX.value^2),
ddd = (fa4 - 3.0*fa3 + 3.0*fa2 - fa1)/(deltaX.value^3)
local sp = sphere name: (uniquename "sp") radius:0.03 pos: [theA.value,0.0, fa1]
if startX.value > endX.value do
for x = startX.value to endX.value by -deltaX.value do
addKnot splineTeylor 1 #corner #line [x,0.0, fa1 + d1*(x - theA.value) + (dd1*((x - theA.value)^2))/2.0 + (ddd*((x - theA.value)^3))/6.0]
if startX.value < endX.value do
for x = startX.value to endX.value by deltaX.value do
addKnot splineTeylor 1 #corner #line [x,0.0, fa1 + d1*(x - theA.value) + (dd1*((x - theA.value)^2))/2.0 + (ddd*((x - theA.value)^3))/6.0]
splineTeylor.wirecolor = theColor
updateShape splineTeylor
-- funkciya garmoniki
fn createSplineGarm theColor =
theNewSpline = SplineShape name: (uniquename "func")
addNewSpline theNewSpline
if startX.value > endX.value do
for x = startX.value to endX.value by -deltaX.value do
addKnot theNewSpline 1 #corner #line [x,0.0, theFunc x]
if startX.value < endX.value do
for x = startX.value to endX.value by deltaX.value do
addKnot theNewSpline 1 #corner #line [x,0.0, theFunc x]
theNewSpline.wirecolor = theColor
theNewSpline.vertexTicks = on
updateShape theNewSpline
--function poiska absolutnigi min u spline
fn theFindMinSpline theSpline =
local theArrayKnotsZ = #()
local theNumKnots = numKnots theSpline 1
for i = 1 to theNumKnots do append theArrayKnotsZ (getKnotPoint theSpline 1 i).z
sort theArrayKnotsZ
return theArrayKnotsZ[1]
--function poiska absolutnigi max u spline
fn theFindMaxSpline theSpline =
local theArrayKnotsZ = #()
local theNumKnots = numKnots theSpline 1
for i = 1 to theNumKnots do append theArrayKnotsZ (getKnotPoint theSpline 1 i).z
sort theArrayKnotsZ
return theArrayKnotsZ[theArrayKnotsZ.count]
--integrirovanie metodom monteKarlo
fn intMonteCarlo theSp theNumber =
local theMaxF = theFindMaxSpline theSp,
theMinF = theFindMinSpline theSp,
theCounter = 0.0,
theResult = 0.0,
theSquare = (endX.value - startX.value)*(theMaxF - theMinF)
for i = 1 to theNumber do
local theRandXYZ = random [startX.value, 0.0, theMaxF] [endX.value, 0.0, theMinF],
theFunc2 = theFunc theRandXYZ.x
if (theRandXYZ.z <= theFunc2) and (theRandXYZ.z >= 0.0) do theCounter = theCounter + 1.0
if (theRandXYZ.z >= theFunc2) and (theRandXYZ.z <= 0.0) do theCounter = theCounter - 1.0
theResult = (theCounter/theNumber)*theSquare
--integrirovanie metodom Simpsona
fn intSimpson theSp =
local theNumKnots = numKnots theSp 1,
theSumm = 0.0
for i = 1 to (theNumKnots - 2) do
local Y1 = (getKnotPoint theSp 1 i).z,
Y2 = (getKnotPoint theSp 1 (i+1)).z,
Y3 = (getKnotPoint theSp 1 (i+2)).z,
sumi = (Y1 + 4.0*Y2 + Y3)*deltaX.value/6.0
theSumm = theSumm + sumi
--integrirovanie metodom proizvodnih
fn intTrapec theSp =
local theNumKnots = numKnots theSp 1,
theSumm = 0.0
for i = 1 to (theNumKnots - 1) do
local Y1 = (getKnotPoint theSp 1 i).z,
Y2 = (getKnotPoint theSp 1 (i+1)).z,
dY = Y2 - Y1
theSumm = theSumm + deltaX.value*(Y1 + dY/2.0)
fn evaluateAllFn =
local start = timeStamp()
if sqrt((startX.value - endX.value)^2) > 4.0*deltaX.value do
try(delete objects) catch()
createSplineGarm red
rungekuta.text = "MonteKarlo calculation: " + (intMonteCarlo theNewSpline 10000.0) as string
simpson.text = "Simpson calculation: " + (intSimpson theNewSpline) as string
integralPro.text = "intTrapec calculation: " + (intTrapec theNewSpline) as string
if pr01.state == true do findPro theNewSpline (color 88 144 225)
if pr02.state == true do findPro $funcPro001 green
if pr03.state == true do findPro $funcPro002 yellow
pr01.enabled = true
local end = timeStamp()
knotCount.text = "knotCount: " + (numKnots theNewSpline 1) as string
PTS.text = "Processing took " + ((end - start) / 1000.0) as string " seconds"
max views redraw
on startX changed val do evaluateAllFn()
on endX changed val do evaluateAllFn()
on deltaX changed val do evaluateAllFn()
on amplit changed val do evaluateAllFn()
on period changed val do evaluateAllFn()
on fasa changed val do evaluateAllFn()
on theA changed val do
findTeylor orange
on theSP1 changed val do
kubInterpolG orange
on theSP3 changed val do
kubInterpolGU numI.value orange
on theSP2 changed val do
parabInterpol orange
on theRes pressed do
try(delete objects)catch(false)
startX.value = 0.0
endX.value = 2.0*pi
deltaX.value = 0.1
amplit.value = 1.0
period.value = 1.0
fasa.value = 0.0
gspace.value = 1.0
pr01.enabled = true
max tool zoomextents all
on pr01 changed state do
if state == on do
pr02.enabled = true
if state == off do
try(delete $funcPro001)catch()
try(delete $funcPro002)catch()
try(delete $funcPro003)catch()
pr02.state = off
pr03.state = off
pr02.enabled = false
pr03.enabled = false
on pr02 changed state do
if state == on do
pr03.enabled = true
if state == off do
try(delete $funcPro002)catch()
try(delete $funcPro003)catch()
pr03.state = off
pr03.enabled = false
on pr03 changed state do
if state == on do evaluateAllFn()
if state == off do delete $funcPro003
on delAll pressed do try(delete objects)catch()
on gspace changed val do SetGridSpacing gspace.value
on FuncCreator open do SetGridSpacing gspace.value
) --end rullout
createDialog FuncCreator