Скрипты умеют:
- искать proxy по указанному пути;
- отображать список ненайденных proxy;
- составлять список proxy в сцене;
- собирать proxyв указанную папку;
- менять способ отображения в сцене;
- перебивать пути (только для CoronaProxy).
Код для VrayProxy:
--------------- start ProxySimplifier
--tested in Max 2013
-- optimized version 2013-05-23 (Black Sphinx)
rollout ProxySimplifier "ProxySimplifier"
( --start rollout ProxySimplifier
local pathPrompt = "Select path please..."
local wrongProxyObjects = #() -- array for collect proxy objects with broken links
group "Finder:"
button ListMisProxy "List Missing Proxies" width:230 height:18 align:#right color:red across:2
button ListProxy "List Proxies" width:230 height:18 align:#right color:red
label lbl_01 "------------------------------------------------------------" align:#centere
listbox mP "List proxies:" height:10
editText thePathText text:pathPrompt width:120 align:#left readOnly:true across:3
button btn_browse "<---- Browse" width:100 height:18 align:#right
button DoIt "Find Proxy..." width:120 height:18 align:#center
group "Collector:"
editText thePathText2 text:pathPrompt width:120 align:#center readOnly:true across: 4
button btn_browse2 "<---- Browse" width:100 height:18 align:#center
button DoIt2 "Collect Proxy..." width:120 height:18 align:#center color:red
Checkbox chBox3 "Selected only" width:60 align:#center checked:true
group "Display:"
button btn3 "Preview from file" width:100 height:18 align:#center across: 3
button btn4 "Bounding box" width:100 height:18 align:#center
Checkbox chBox2 "Selected only" width:60 align:#center checked:true
local theFolderPathCollector = undefined
local ProxyPathes = #()
local all_dir = #()
local theFolderPath = undefined
local theBooleanSwitch = true
local wrongProxyObjects = #()
local ProxyObjects = #()
Return string array of root folder and all it's subfolders
fn getFolderPathes root =
dir_array = #(root)
for d in dir_array do
join dir_array (getDirectories (d+"/*"))
-- Display group section
Function setProxyDisplay set display mode for proxies.
sel - when true apply to selection. Otherwise to all proxies in scene
disp_mode - display mode: 0 - boundary box, 1 - preview from file, 2 - point, 3 - preview from file (faces)
fn setProxyDisplay sel disp_mod = (
if sel then
objSet = selection
objSet = objects
for i in objSet where classOf i == VrayProxy do (
i.display = disp_mod
on btn3 pressed do (
setProxyDisplay chBox2.state 1
on btn4 pressed do (
setProxyDisplay chBox2.state 0
-- end Display section
-- Collector group section
on btn_browse2 pressed do (
theFolderPathCollector = getSavePath caption: "Pick folder" initialDir:"C:\\"
if theFolderPathCollector != undefined then
thePathText2.text = theFolderPathCollector as string
thePathText2.text = pathPrompt
Copy all linked mesh files to folder theFolderPathCollector.
After successful copying link in proxy updated by new file location.
on DoIt2 pressed do
local theAllGoodProxy = #()
if chBox3.state == true then
for i in selection where classOf i == VRayProxy do if doesFileExist i.filename do appendIfUnique theAllGoodProxy i
else (for i in objects where classOf i == VRayProxy do if doesFileExist i.filename do appendIfUnique theAllGoodProxy i )
local theP1 = undefined
local theP2 = undefined
if theFolderPathCollector != undefined then (
for i in theAllGoodProxy do (
theP1 = i.filename
theP2 = theFolderPathCollector + "\\" + (filenameFromPath theP1)
if (copyFile theP1 theP2) then
i.filename = theP2
print ("don't copy - " + i.filename as string)
messageBox "Please specify path."
) -- end DoIt2 pressed
--end Collector section
-- Finder group section
on btn_browse pressed do (
theFolderPath = getSavePath caption: "Pick folder" initialDir:"C:\\"
if theFolderPath != undefined then
thePathText.text = theFolderPath as string
thePathText.text = pathPrompt
Collect proxy objects with broken links (the mesh file not exists).
Array misProxyPathes contains only broken paths and use for listbox "Wrong proxies".
Array wrongProxyObjects use for further work.
fn findMissingProxy = (
ProxyPathes = #()
wrongProxyObjects = #()
lbl_01.text = "Reading proxy..."
for i in objects where classOf i == VrayProxy do
if findItem ProxyPathes i.filename == 0 and doesFileExist i.filename == false do
append wrongProxyObjects i
append ProxyPathes i.filename
--makeUniqueArray misProxyPathes
--sort misProxyPathes
mP.items = ProxyPathes
lbl_01.text = "please use DoubleClick for getting proxy"
fn findProxy = (
ProxyPathes = #()
ProxyObjects = #()
lbl_01.text = "Reading proxy..."
local arObj = objects as array
local arObjCount = arObj.count
progressstart ("Reading proxy...")
for i = 1 to arObjCount where classOf arObj[i] == VrayProxy do
progressupdate (i*100.0/arObjCount)
if findItem ProxyPathes arObj[i].filename == 0 and doesFileExist arObj[i].filename == true do
append ProxyObjects arObj[i]
append ProxyPathes arObj[i].filename
--makeUniqueArray ProxyPathes
--sort ProxyPathes
mP.items = ProxyPathes
lbl_01.text = "please use DoubleClick for getting proxy"
progressend ()
on ListMisProxy pressed do findMissingProxy()
on ListProxy pressed do findProxy()
mP doubleClicked
Select in scene proxy objects with mesh file name that double clicked in "Wrong proxies" listbox.
on mP doubleClicked itm do (
local theAllProxy = for i in objects where classOf i == VrayProxy collect i
try( select (for i in theAllProxy where ProxyPathes[itm] == i.filename collect i) )catch()
lbl_01.text = "please use DoubleClick for getting proxy"
Subroutine finds missing mesh file for all proxies in array wrongProxyObjects in folder tree started from theFolderPath.
on DoIt pressed do (
if wrongProxyObjects.count != 0 do (
if theFolderPath == undefined do (
messageBox "Please pick path..."
return 0
lbl_01.text = "Reading pathes..."
all_dir = getFolderPathes theFolderPath
local testFileName = undefined
local theProxyName = undefined
lbl_01.text = "Finding mesh files..."
fileNotFound = true
for i in wrongProxyObjects do (
theProxyName = fileNameFromPath i.filename
fileNotFound = true
for p in all_dir while fileNotFound do (
testFileName = p + "\\" + theProxyName
if doesFileExist testFileName do (
i.filename = testFileName
fileNotFound = false
-- lbl_01.text = i.name -- comment for performanse reasons
findMissingProxy() -- refresh array wrongProxyObjects and listbox "Wrong proxies"
lbl_01.text = "please use DoubleClick for getting proxy"
--end finder
)--end rollout ProxySimplifier
escapeEnable = true
CreateDialog ProxySimplifier 500 370
------------- end ProxySimplifier
--By Alex Yakushev
Код для CoronaProxy:
--------------- start ProxySimplifier
--tested in Max 2013
-- optimized version 2013-05-23 (Black Sphinx)
rollout ProxySimplifierC "ProxySimplifierCorona"
( --start rollout ProxySimplifier
local pathPrompt = "Select path please..."
local wrongProxyObjects = #() -- array for collect proxy objects with broken links
group "Finder:"
editText thePathText text:pathPrompt width:208 align:#left across:3
button btn_browse "<---- Browse" width:100 height:18 align:#right
button findMisProxy "Find Missing Proxies..." width:150 height:18 align:#right color:red
listbox mP "Wrong proxies:" height:10
label lbl_01 "------------------------------------------------------------" align:#center
button DoIt "Find Proxy..." width:150 height:18 align:#center
group "Collector:"
editText thePathText2 text:pathPrompt width:120 align:#center across: 4
button btn_browse2 "<---- Browse" width:100 height:18 align:#center
button DoIt2 "Collect Proxy..." width:100 height:18 align:#center
button DoIt3 "Change Pathes..." width:100 height:18 align:#center
--group "Display:"
-- button btn3 "Preview from file" width:100 height:18 align:#center across: 2
-- button btn4 "Bounding box" width:100 height:18 align:#center
local theFolderPathCollector = undefined
local misProxyPathes = #()
local all_dir = #()
local theFolderPath = undefined
local theBooleanSwitch = true
local wrongProxyObjects = #()
Return string array of root folder and all it's subfolders
fn getFolderPathes root =
dir_array = #(root)
for d in dir_array do
join dir_array (getDirectories (d+"/*"))
-- Display group section
--on btn3 pressed do for i in selection where classOf i == CoronaProxy do i.previzType = 3
--on btn4 pressed do for i in selection where classOf i == CoronaProxy do i.previzType = 0
-- end Display section
-- Collector group section
on btn_browse2 pressed do
if pathPrompt == "Select path please..." then
theFolderPathCollector = getSavePath caption: "Pick folder" initialDir:"C:\\"
if theFolderPathCollector != undefined do
thePathText2.text = theFolderPathCollector as string
pathPrompt = theFolderPathCollector as string
theFolderPathCollector = getSavePath caption: "Pick folder" initialDir:pathPrompt
if theFolderPathCollector != undefined do
thePathText2.text = theFolderPathCollector as string
pathPrompt = theFolderPathCollector as string
Copy all linked mesh files to folder theFolderPathCollector.
After successful copying link in proxy updated by new file location.
on DoIt3 pressed do
if theFolderPathCollector != undefined do
for i in (getClassInstances CoronaProxy) do
local theP1 = i.filename
i.filename = (theFolderPathCollector + "\\" + (filenameFromPath theP1))
on DoIt2 pressed do (
local theAllGoodProxy = #()
for i in objects where classOf i == CoronaProxy do (
if doesFileExist i.filename do appendIfUnique theAllGoodProxy i
local theP1 = undefined
local theP2 = undefined
if theFolderPathCollector != undefined then (
for i in theAllGoodProxy do (
local theP1 = i.filename
local theP2 = theFolderPathCollector + "\\" + (filenameFromPath theP1)
if (copyFile theP1 theP2) then
i.filename = theP2
print ("don't copy - " + i.filename as string)
messageBox "Please specify path."
) -- end DoIt2 pressed
--end Collector section
-- Finder group section
on btn_browse pressed do
if pathPrompt == "Select path please..." then
theFolderPath = getSavePath caption: "Pick folder" initialDir:"C:\\"
if theFolderPath != undefined do
thePathText.text = theFolderPath as string
pathPrompt = theFolderPath as string
theFolderPath = getSavePath caption: "Pick folder" initialDir:pathPrompt
if theFolderPath != undefined do
thePathText.text = theFolderPath as string
pathPrompt = theFolderPath as string
Collect proxy objects with broken links (the mesh file not exists).
Array misProxyPathes contains only broken paths and use for listbox "Wrong proxies".
Array wrongProxyObjects use for further work.
fn findMissingProxy = (
misProxyPathes = #()
wrongProxyObjects = #()
lbl_01.text = "Reading proxy..."
for i in objects where classOf i == CoronaProxy do
if findItem misProxyPathes i.filename == 0 and doesFileExist i.filename == false do
append wrongProxyObjects i
append misProxyPathes i.filename
makeUniqueArray misProxyPathes
sort misProxyPathes
mP.items = misProxyPathes
lbl_01.text = "please use DoubleClick for getting proxy"
on findMisProxy pressed do (
mP doubleClicked
Select in scene proxy objects with mesh file name that double clicked in "Wrong proxies" listbox.
on mP doubleClicked itm do (
if misProxyPathes.count == 0 do
return 0
the_obj = #()
-- print misProxyPathes[itm] as string -- comment for performanse reasons
for i in wrongProxyObjects do (
if misProxyPathes[itm] == i.filename do
append the_obj i
-- lbl_01.text = i.name -- comment for performanse reasons
select the_obj
lbl_01.text = "please use DoubleClick for getting proxy"
Subroutine finds missing mesh file for all proxies in array wrongProxyObjects in folder tree started from theFolderPath.
on DoIt pressed do (
if wrongProxyObjects.count != 0 do (
if theFolderPath == undefined do (
messageBox "Please pick path..."
return 0
lbl_01.text = "Reading pathes..."
all_dir = getFolderPathes theFolderPath
local testFileName = undefined
local theProxyName = undefined
lbl_01.text = "Finding mesh files..."
fileNotFound = true
for i in wrongProxyObjects do (
theProxyName = fileNameFromPath i.filename
fileNotFound = true
for p in all_dir while fileNotFound do (
testFileName = p + "\\" + theProxyName
if doesFileExist testFileName do (
i.filename = testFileName
fileNotFound = false
-- lbl_01.text = i.name -- comment for performanse reasons
findMissingProxy() -- refresh array wrongProxyObjects and listbox "Wrong proxies"
lbl_01.text = "please use DoubleClick for getting proxy"
--end finder
)--end rollout ProxySimplifier
escapeEnable = true
CreateDialog ProxySimplifierC width:500
------------- end ProxySimplifier
--By Alex Yakushev